Throughout 2022, 10 Class Locomotives has built on the foundational work of its earlier years and stepped up to the next level in continuing to preserve Maitland's steam heritage through the refurbishment of locomotives No.10 and No.18. Some key achievements from the past year include:
- The development of 10 Class Locomotives' profile and awareness with stakeholders, securing sponsorships and fostering relationships with key stakeholders. The launch of a modern and informative website also supported increased awareness.
- Successfully securing over $21,000 through grant funding, including $15,000 from Transport Heritage NSW.
- Commencing planning works, including initial planning sessions with volunteers, commissioning detailed works and costing plan, and appointing a Project Manager.
- The appointment of a communications & marketing specialist to capture and promote the 10 Class Locos journey and showcase our goals and achievements.
- The inaugural 10 Class Locos fundraising dinner, which raised almost $5,000 with generous donations from Burtons Automotive Group, Bunnings, Thornton Discount Drug Store, HVTC, SMR, and the Mutual Bank.
These achievements have been driven by the Board of Directors who continue to volunteer their time and meet regularly to support the ongoing operations of 10 Class Locos.
The focus for 2023 is to commence restoration works, with the re-springing and height resetting project. Additionally, we aim to continue to develop strategic alliances and pursue new funding sources to continue supporting the refurbishment project through to completion.